Saturday, November 8, 2014

soooooooo much to be Thankful for

                                                                   Oct 27, 2014
Hey everyone!!  Last thursday we had zone conference!  It was in Ilagan.  It was pretty fun.  We had like a devotional and then we had seperated into two groups.  In one of the groups we did a little role playing and they reminded us on the importance of finding people.  In the other group they told us how to use our language study time the best.  After that we had lunch and it was pretty good.  An american member cooked it.  The things that I liked the best was the spaghetti pasta and like this pork meat.  After we were all split into little groups and played some games.  I enjoyed the games.  Then we had a testimony meeting to finish the whole thing off.  After we were allowed to get our pouch and packages.  I finally got my fan.  Mine had been broken for about a week and a half or two weeks.  This past saturday we had our baptism.  I thought that it was going to be this next weekend but I guess that we moved it up.  So we have had five as a companionship so far.  Yesterday on sunday we went to work and we brought 3 fellowshippers.  Two of them have been baptized since I have got here and one of them was baptized the day before.  Our first lesson was with our recent converts that were baptized last week.  Right before we started he sold his pig so the people that bought it.  While they were tying it up and loading it, it was squiling like crazy and there were little kids crying.  So what a great way to start a lesson.  Today before we emailed I did my laundry.  It was left in the water for like 2 days because I didn't do it because there was no sun out.  Oh man did that stink really, really bad.  It isn't supposed to sit that long in the water.  So jaime is washing the dishes by hand.  That is the only way for us to clean our dishes by hand.  I have realized how many blessings that we have back home since I have been out here.  I understand that it is almost halloween.  I just want to wish everyone a Happy Halloween!!  They celebrate it here but I don't think it is the same way we do it back home.  But everyone starts celebrating christmas early.  I have seen a couple christmas trees up and christmas lights!!  Looks like you all had fun at the Usu game,  I hear that they are doing pretty good this year!!  I love you all so much!!  It is crazy that I have been out for almost 4 months!!  Love you guys


Love Elder Lott

rice field

zone conference 
 playing some sort of shoe game

Nov. 3, 2014
Hey Everyone!!!  I have now been out on my mission for 4 months!!  Wow how time has flown!  So I finished my training.  Elder Arorong has been in Alcala for 6 months now!  So we all thought that he is going to transfer.  After church on sunday elder arorong took a ton of pictures with people in our ward for remembrance.  After church on sunday we went out to work.  We went with our fellowshippers.  All of the ward mission leaders now are our converts, expect for one!!  There is 5!  Anyways about sunday.  We went and retaught our recent converts.  There was a lot of people.  A big group of people also sat in on our lesson that are their neighbors!!  I wouldn't consider myself as a shy person, but teaching in front of a good amount of people, in the best tagalog i can think of is intimidating!!  I don't want to say the wrong thing, but I would say that it went really good!  Then Elder Oaks is in the philippines.  There was a broadcast yesterday night and like the area presidency and Elder Oaks and their wives spoke.  This morning was a really early morning.  We planned a zone activity for today to visit some caves.  I thought the caves were actually pretty cool.  It wasn't really a hike but we had to take a good amount of stairs up to the entrance of the caves.  There was a bunch of different chambers.  This is really weird!!  In one of them there is like a chapel!!  There is a bunch of cement benches and like a stage type thing.  It is a really weird place to put a chapel thing.  I am not sure what to call it.  After we went back to Tuguegarao.  That is the town were we have our district meetings.  That is where we shop for our food as well.  So we went to mcdonalds to eat.  While we were there we got the transfer list.  Elder Arorong isn't transfering!!!  So all of those good by photos and stuff will have to wait.  He was a little disappointed.  He has been here in Alcala for 6 months, and he was in his first area for 6 months.  So he has only had two areas for his whole mission.  I was glad that he didn't transfer though.  Everyone also thought it was way funny.  I liked all of your halloween costumes!  Soon it will be christmas!  I love you all!!  (Dad, Mom, Jaime, Adam, Ethan)!!!:)

Love Elder Lott
This is the family of the couple they recently baptized.

The girl in the middle is a recent convert.


It is wonderful to get all these pictures.  We are thrilled to see him so happy serving our Heavenly Father.  I love being a Missionary Mom.  It's great. 
This is in reply to an email I sent him asking him how he is really doing and also wondering about the food. 
Hey mom!  Don't worry mom i would tell you.  I try to keep a good attitude out here even though all of it is hard.  You want to know about the language.  I just try my best to speak what I know.  I don't know if they understand me.  I speak in Taglish.  Which is tagalog and english.  I don't really understand them.  I mean i can pick up some things.  It just depends on the day.  Sometimes i can understand things better and sometimes and can speak better.  The nastiest thing i have eaten.  I haven't really wanted to try anything that is super gross yet.  But i would say the nastiest thing i have had so far sticky rice.  It is rice in some kind of goo and it is sticky.  The filipiono's love it but i think it is disguisting!!!  I like all of your halloween costumes!! What made the boys want to be clown football players?  Who thought of that idea?  I really like dads costume.  He can pull of that camo real nice!!  So i assume you had the truck or treat?  Did they have those little garlic potato things???  So how is the horse back riding going?  Well I love you mom!!

Love Elder Lott

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