Friday, February 27, 2015

20 wonderful years

February 17, 1995
Yes, try not to laugh to hard.  That was Mike and I in front of the Logan Temple 20 years ago.
February 17, 2015
Twenty years later we were able to go to the Columbia, South Carolina Temple
One of the items on my bucket list it to go to all 50 states.  So, I had this crazy I idea that for our 20th anniversary we would go somewhere that neither of us had been before.  We, ok I, chose to fly to Charlotte, North Carolina and then we would be close enough to go to South Carolina as well.  I was also happy we had a layover in Michigan and so I got to mark 3 states off of my list. Once again, Mike is a great sport, as he only needed to go to South Carolina.   I know that some people don't count layover states.  I do.  If you eat a cookie and your eyes are shut, you still ate the cookie, right?  Mike doesn't think that analogy makes any sense, but it works for me. 
So,we had a quick little trip out east.  The weather wasn't great and the trees were bare, but we still enjoying driving the back roads and seeing the country side.  We drove an hour each way to a plantation that happened to be closed on a Monday (what are they Mormons??) and thus we didn't get to see it.  We dodged fallen trees due to an ice storm.  We tried to attend two different LDS churches in the area.  No one was there each time and we learned it had been Stake Conference and the meeting had been earlier.  So we went back to our hotel to enjoy the sandwiches and salads we had gotten the night before so we didn't have to eat out on Sunday.  Lo and behold, I had turned down the fridge and thus frozen our meals.  Ok, I don't know why, but mine were mostly fine.  Poor Mike didn't get so lucky and so he did his best and just had an extra big appetite the next day.
Regardless of all the crazy things that happened, we were together and that 's all that mattered.  Plus, we got to sleep in each morning.  Yeah !!! We had a wonderful time.  I love you Mike, thanks for making these past 20 years wonderful and I look forward to the eternities that lie ahead of us.
 at the Melting Pot in Columbia
poor tree
an old cemetery in North Carolina

Mike is a great sport with how nuts I am about going to new states.  He laughs at me as I hold my breath crossing the state line.
In the woods of North Carolina.  I guess February isn't the best time to visit.
Updates from Elder Lott

Wow look its p day again.  Which I have no problem with.  So I told you last week we played football.  It was only the second time I have played during my whole mission and it was way more intense than the first time.  I was sore pretty much all week I still had a little soreness in my hamstrings this morning.  I was a little tight this morning before basketball so I stretched out my legs really good.  Apparently not good enough because like 10 or so minutes in I injured my right hamstring.  Me and my companion only made it in time to get in the last game so I finished the game.  I hope I did not tear it.  We are playing football next week so I want to be ready for that because it was way fun last week.  This past Tuesday was zone conference.  We had the chance to listen to president and sister rahlf speak.  We had lunch and a testimony meeting.  During zone conference they announced our new 2015 standards of excellence   it is the goals that missionaries try to get every week for our key indicators.  The day of zone conference was also my birthday.  So they sang happy birthday and there was actually a sister that had her birthday that day to so they all sang happy birthday to us.  I am now 19.  I don't know why but I feel older now.  I heard that you had cake on my birthday and sang to me.  That is nice I wish I could have had some cake.  I didn't get any cake or ice cream on my birthday sadly.  I did make me a good dinner though.  I made a bbq chicken sandwich and some homemade fries.  I was pretty happy with myself.  I cooked this and it was good.  I mean it is not the hardest thing to cook, but it felt good.  This week I washed some of my garments and I put them outside to dry and a bird pooped on some of them.  I was ticked   now I have to do them again tonight.  And its not like I can just throw them in the washing machine.  I have to wash them by hand, which really stinks.  Work wise.  Me and my companion have a baptism in like 2 weeks I think.  It is before February ends.  I know that for sure.  We got 4 new investigators this past week.  It was a busy work of week.  Especially since they raised the standards of excellence for this year, but we are doing good.  Since I have been teaching people about the gospel it has just made me so much more thankful to have it in my life.  I am so grateful for the gospel and all the blessings I receive from it.  I know that if we use the atonement in our lives and endure to the end that we will be able to see ryan and grandpa stan again and other lost loved ones and live with them for eternity.  I know this church is true without a doubt and I am so grateful that I have it in my life.

Love Elder Lott

Hey dad.  My birthday went good.  It was the day of zone conference.  They sang to me there, but that's about it.  I didn't get any cake or ice cream though.  I did make a good dinner for myself though.  I was proud to.  I made some homemade fries and a bbq chicken sandwich.  I know that, that isn't really a hard meal to make but it was good.  That is pretty crazy that you could zoom in that far and see the words on that little cd player.  I am surprised that you even thought of that.  Because I took the picture and I didn't even think about that.  That music is mine.  It is church music.  We are allowed to listen to like church music and efy music and stuff.  But If you want to send me a church cd or something that would be good.  I hope you have fun on your anniversary dad.  You only get the 20 year mark once haha.  I love you dad thanks for all of the support that you give to me

Elder Lott
(It's funny that Alex likes to listen to church music now.  We didn't send him out with any because he didn't like it and didn't want it at the time.  I guess he changed his mind.  He bought these things out in the field himself I guess.  The only reason we inquired is because we saw a CD playing sitting on his bed in one of the pictures he had sent.  We inquired if it was his and it is.)
Zone Conference
 Check out his camo tie  I wasn't sure if he would be allowed to wear it,  I guess he is.


Feb 23, 2015
Well another week is past.  It is surprising that February is almost over.  So me and my companion are getting pulled out.  I don't want to come home early but I enjoyed the time that I was out here!  Haha just kidding thats not what pull out means.  (He had me going for a minute.  My heart skipped a beat.)  Me and elder thayns apartment is going to be shut down at the end of this cycle.  So there are 4 elders in our area and this next cycle it will either be moved down to 3 or 2.  It is about a 99% chance that i won't be transferred to another area because my companion has been here for 3 cycles including this one, which is 4 1/2 months and this is only my first cycle in the area.  The reason they are shutting down our apartment is because there is more missionaries leaving than are coming in.  A lot of the missionaries that came into the mission field when the age changed are going home.  So now they have to lower the number of missionaries going into each mission.  So that is why they are pulling out some missionaries in some areas.  It just so happens that our area is one of them.  So I told you about the new standards of excellence for 2015 in our mission.  The goal that missionaries shoot for each week for lessons is 35.  This past week me and Elder Thayn got 32!  Yes.  It was a really busy and tiring week.  On Wednesday I went on splits when an elder in my district.  We were walking down the road and I saw this guy that was about 40 yards in front of us walking toward us.  I told the elder he was either drunk or handicap because he was wobbling a lot.  About 10 seconds after I said that the guy fell over into the bushes on the side of the road.  I am not going to lie.  It was pretty funny.  I haven't seen anything like that in my whole life.  When we got up to him it looked like he was dead.  His stomach was moving a little so he obviously wasn't.  We offered to help him up but he was to drunk to understand us.  Then we saw him a couple hours later in town just wobbling through town.  He was causing a lot of problems he almost got in like a fight or something.  He was just super wasted.  Then on Saturday we had a ward 1 day mission.  We just all went on splits and went and taught less actives and invited them to church the next day.  I went on splits with our bishop.  That was a good day, but super long.  Today we played football again.  It was super fun, but I think I might have a strained hamstring.  It hurts to walk, but it was worth it.  I would just like to point out that I got 2 touch downs and 2 picks...haha.  I think I will most likely sit out next week and not play basketball.  It just depends on how I am feeling.  Me and my companion were supposed to have a baptism for the 28th, but we don't have enough time to finish all of the lessons because she can only be taught on Wednesdays and Saturdays so we moved the date back to the 7th. So me and my comp are just doin work.  The Lord's work.  I just want to wish you a happy birthday mom!  What are you like 9 3/4 or something!  Thanks for being such a great example to me and supporting me.  I love you all. Have a great week.

Love Elder Lott

investigators monkey. man that never gets old.  Its so cool (Alex's words)
Lotts of fun

" All I want for Easter is my two front teeth."
Ethan lost another front tooth.  He was so proud for pulling it out himself.

 Adam (the one in the middle) played basketball for the first time this winter.  He joined a friend's team and they happen to be on a team of 4th and 5th graders.  Being the youngest on the team, in third grade,  hasn't made a difference to him.  He has enjoyed playing and we are so proud of how quickly he is learning.

Ethan colored this for me at school.  They mailed it from the post office.  What a cute surprise it was to get it in the mail.  He was so proud.
Who would have guessed dinosaurs would have invaded a local nursery.  Ethan was super excited to see a bunch of dinos lurking all over as we shopped for a tree.  I felt very safe having "Superman" with me.

Jaime loved these Great Dane puppies.  Luckily they were all spoken for and we didn't end up with a new pet.

 Fun at the rodeo.  This has become a new tradition of ours, attending the Golden Spike Rodeo in Ogden during the winter.  Mike hopes to see me do the barrel racing there someday.  Ha ha.  I did practice this week at my riding lessons but I guarantee I would hold a new world record and it wouldn't be for being the fastest.
I nice quote I came across:
"So much in life depends on our attitude.  The way we choose to see things and respond to others makes all the difference.  To do the best we can and then to choose to be happy about our circumstances, whatever they may be, can bring peace and contentment."
This is so true.  I choose to be happy.  I trust my Heavenly Father loves me and has a plan for me.  Someday I will know this.  It doesn't take away all the pain, but it does bring me such comfort and peace.  I can't change what has happened, but I can choose to accept my Heavenly Father's will and trust in him and be happy.

1 comment:

  1. I can't belive you have been married for 20 years!!! That is crazy! I am so happy that you enjoyed your trip together and that you were able to mark 3 more states off of your list!!! I love reading Alex's letters! He looks so great and is a amazing missionary!!! I need to find out when that Rodeo goes on in Ogden! I have always wanted to take our kids to a Rodeo, but we always seem to miss them!!! Thank you so much for sharing your testimony and for being who you are!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
