Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Week ten from Hermana Lott

 ¡Hola todos!

It has been such a long short week. Time in the mission is so weird, and really hard to explain. It has been a week and a half since last P-day. Let me tell you, I don't like transfer week because of this. 

To address the title. I am getting transferred to Charleston, South Carolina to a Spanish area. During interviews with President Monson, he told me that he was going to try and get me into a Spanish area as quickly as possible. I didn't think this would happen that fast. Sister Robinson and I had a lot planned for Thursday, well it is all going to be rescheduled because we will be driving to Columbia. I am having mixed feelings. I want to speak Spanish but not right now (it's funny because I felt the exact opposite when I got here😂). I wanted to finish training and then go. My new companion is going to be Hermana Berry. She will probably end up finishing training me. I am super nervous to meet her, but she sounds really nice!

Last Monday, we went to the beach!😁 It was so much fun. We went with another district. President Monson said if we hit our goals we could go to the beach on P-day, and we hit our goals. It was supposed to rain, so the sky and water was stormy. We didn't get to see the sunrise because of all the clouds. It was still really pretty. I hunted for some seashells, and found some cool ones. I got to put my feet in the water (our mission president allows that). We went to the gift shop after (because it was Huntington State park/beach). It then decided to pour. We parked a little ways away from the gift shop which was a mistake. We ran and got soaked even with our rain coats.😂 There were humongous puddles and little streams in the road. After, we went to a breakfast place. It was really good. I got a waffle sandwich. I had never had one before, but it was surprisingly yummy. 

After all that, we went to Tanger Outlets with my district. I was still soaked from the beach, but I was super smart and didn't bring an extra pair of clothes. There were still a lot of things that were on sale because of black Friday. It was fun going from store to store and get a couple of things. When Sister Robinson and I got home we were exhausted from our long day. We were at the beach at 6:30am and didn't get home until 5:30pm😂

Mission Leadership Conference (MLC) was the next day. We were to Columbia by 9am. We do so much driving. I went with 4 other sisters while Sister Robinson was in the meeting. They were having their DCM, so we went too. Their District Leader was a guy I went to high school with. Elder Bell and I talked about school and being in the same mission. What a small world.😂 It was really nice meeting more missionaries. I still don't know a lot of people yet, but I am slowly getting there. On the way home from MLC, we stopped by the Columbia, South Carolina Temple. I am so glad that we did. Just being on temple grounds was amazing. The temple was glowing. It was beautiful!

Sister Robinson and I did another service project with Elder Sherwood and Zarbock. Every service project we've done with them has went a lot longer than planned. We were there all day but it was worth it. We helped a lady named Trish move into her house and moved furniture out. It is really cool to see how Heavenly Father is preparing people for the gospel. She is so humble and wants something more in her life. I'm excited to hear how teaching her goes. 

We bought a thing of cookie dough to eat during weekly planning. It was delicious. On Saturday, we bought a Little Caesars pizza and ate it while we watched Book of Mormon videos. Best dinner party ever! I love watching the videos because I can see the things in the Book of Mormon played out and gives them a different meaning. You all should watch them. They are really cool. 

Sister Robinson and I are teaching a guy named Gerold. He told us that he wants to be all in this time! He came to church on Sunday and wants to keep coming. He is praying about a day to be baptized on! We have four people that we are going to put on date. There are people out there ready to let God prevail. 

We made the sisters in our zone a little 12 days of Christmas present. We underestimated how much time it would take, but we finished it. We did a spin off of it and the gospel. It turned out really cute. It was fun watercoloring the papers. I'm excited to give them to the sisters. As people we don't realize how much of an effect we have on others. The little things we do are important and make a difference. Don't ever underestimate the power that you have to help someone. 

I did a study on diligence this week. It was really interesting to read a lot of different things about it. Preach My Gospel says, "Diligence is steady, consistent, earnest, and energetic effort in doing the Lord’s work." Diligence in a sense is never giving up. In Doctrine and Covenants 10:4 it says something similar, "Do not run faster or labor more than you have strength and means… but be diligent unto the end." Being diligent is giving all you have and more, your 110%. Being diligent in life and in the gospel is really important. Heavenly Father deserves our all. I related D&C 10:4 to humility too. We need to allow the Lord to help us and lean on him. Humility and diligence go hand in hand. We need to have both in our lives. 

There are some pretty funny street names out here:

-Y.M.C.A Lane

-Compatible Lane (Sister Robinson told me she is going to bring a guy to this street after the mission to see if they're compatible😂)

-Mormon Lane (the road our branch building is on😂)

-Swamp fox 

-I have one quote from this transfer that I actually wrote down. Sister Rob driving, sees something run across the street. "C'mon kitty move...oh it's a raccoon." I died from laughing so hard😂.

I love you all! ¡Espero ustedes tienen un fantástico semana!

The Beach!!!

My waffle sandwich

District p-day -> Tanger Outlets

impromtu DCM!

Columbia, South Carolina temple

Service w/ Elder Sherwood & Zarbock

Pizza/B.O.M. party

Making the 12 days of Christmas presents

A random dock

Chick-fil-A ice cream run

My district (my old district 😢)

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