Monday, November 2, 2020

1st week as a "Greeny"


                                                     Week 7

So much has happened since last week. I am now officially a greenie! That is so crazy. I am super excited to be out in South Carolina and I'm ready to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Also, everyone send me a friend request on Facebook so I don't get put in Facebook jail. It will make it easier to get my Facebook going. 

It took my mom and I a little while but we were able to get everything packed. We lucked out, the suitcases didn't go over 50 pounds. Right as my dad and I were walking back we saw Hermana Stewart and her family. That made me really happy because I didn't want to go to our gate alone. We said our goodbyes and headed off. The gate had a lot of missionaries waiting for the flight to Atlanta, Georgia. Turns out most of them were going to Kentucky. There were five missionaries on our row and all of us were going to South Carolina. A little into the flight we hit some pretty bumpy turbulence. It was really funny. I was playing sudoku and the turbulence wouldn't let me touch the screen

When we reached Atlanta, we had a four hour layover. It actually was pretty fun. We got 5 Guys for lunch and right as we finished some more missionaries came. Turns out they were going to South Carolina too! We talked to them and it made the time pass by really fast. We landed in South Carolina around 7pm and went to find our luggage. The APs, and President and Sister Monson came to pick us up. They drove us to a church where all the other missionaries were waiting. My homies Elder Bates, Decker, and Mullenaux were there too! HMTC together again! For dinner we had pulled pork sandwiches, fruit and a cupcake. It was soo good. We stayed the night in a hotel, and went back to a church the next morning to receive instruction and our trainers. 

The training was great and was given by the two senior missionary couples. They are great! I am excited to get to know them better. Then the kind of scary thing happened, we went into the chapel where all of the trainers were waiting. I saw Sister Bowen! I absolutely love her! (she was a friend of mine back home) Hermana Stewart is her new companion!(so excited for them) I got my trainer! Her name is Sister Robinson. She is from St. George and has been out for almost 11 months. She is amazing and I already love her! She is our STL(sister training leader for our zone) and our district leader. Our area is Georgetown, South Carolina. It is a great area, and we have a lot of work to do. Funny thing is it's an English area, so I'll be speaking English for the next little while. Also, we have a car! It is really nice having one because our area is pretty big. We live in a two story apartment with just the two of us. It is a pretty nice apartment, but it is cold. Sister Robinson likes the AC on so I am a popsicle. Thank goodness we both have blankets. 

They people in the south are so kind and they will tell you what's what. You talk to people and they tell you their whole life story. They don't care whether or not you want to hear it. I'm going to have to get used to that. But sometimes it works to your advantage and you find out the person's needs and wants faster. A cool thing is that the Bible is so loved down here. People talk about Jesus all the time. Sister Robinson and I live by so many churches. There are 4-5 on our street. 

I had my first dinner appointment with the Bernard family on Saturday. We went over to their house and had chili dogs. It was super fun. They are such a great family. Their yard is beautiful, (South Carolina has a ton of trees. There are everywhere. I am trying to figure out roads and directions, but it all looks the same. I love having all these trees anyway.) and they pretty much live by a forest. 

Sister Robinson and I helped with a primary activity.  Our branch isn't very big so only three girls showed up. Turns out they only have girls in the primary (around 6, but not sure). We set up a little obstacle thing and the girls would go through it blind folded. Someone was the Holy Ghost saying the right things quietly while everyone else was saying random things. It was really fun to watch and be a part of.

 We are teaching some great people right now:

Janet/Joel: (Mom and son) They are on date for baptism on November 28th. We have to teach them separately because they both like to talk so much Janet is so strong and full of faith. We taught her a lesson last night over the phone and she just soaked it up. We are having her start reading the Book of Mormon. Joel has a lot of questions and is learning how to pray. Sister Robinson and I are trying to get them to church or have a spiritual experience. 


She was in some other sister's area book, but she didn't live in their area. She actually lives in our area about 40 minutes away. We went and dropped off a Book of Mormon and some other papers to her. She is so strong and wants as much information about Jesus Christ as possible. She has gone through so many hard things in her life, but her faith in Christ is still strong.  


Sister Robinson found him on Facebook. Her previous companion and her taught him a little over some phone calls. We were able to do a facetime call with him. We taught him about the restoration and he said that what we were saying made sense. He is starting to read the Book of Mormon. We are so excited for our next call with him. 

                                                 Hope you all have a great week!


Her MTC district.  She finally got to meet the Elders in person

her friend from Hooper

Jaime and her comp Sister Robinson

Someone she knew at BYU-Idaho


She loves the Dollar Tree

her small church

a Primary activity

stray cats that live outside the church

Someone made them spaghetti.  She hates spaghetti and wouldn't eat it at home.  She said it was good.

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