Saturday, May 23, 2020

Spring has sprung

The Lott family is doing great and hope this finds you well.  We are enjoying the "simple life" and the extra time we have together as a family.  We are making many memories as we work on various projects together as a family, or by just going on a simple walk together  (The boys will have memories of wishing they were at school so they didn't have to do all the various projects we have included them on, or go on all the  walks with us.  Ha ha).  Mike and I were happy to go eat nachos in the back of our car a few weeks ago.  We put the middle seat down and used it like a table, and so it seems like we were in a restaurant, other than the fact that Mike's head was touching the roof of the car.  Ha Ha  We were especially thankful when we were once again able to go eat in a sit down restaurant.  It's amazing the simple things of life that we often take for granted.  So, make sure to treasure what matters most (hopefully people and not things) and don't wait till they are gone or that too much time has gone by.

Cute girl and her kitties!!
I came across this looking through some old pics.  This is Jaime 8 years ago (age 11) with her cats. Isn't she so cute!!  Sadly, the orange cat, Ryan Kitty, disappeared around Christmas.  

Fun Times!!!!

On Easter we were bored and paid Ethan $14 to let us shave his head.  We all had fun taking turns.  Adam liked to call him Waldo the Baldo.  Ethan didn't like that, but I agreed with Adam that it was funny.

Waldo the Baldo

The boys have had fun building a fort with the old wood from our chicken coop.

Adam totally needs a hair cut.  He wanted me to let him grow out his hair for a mullet.  NO WAY!!!  And Mike has warned him if he wears a "man bun", he will cut it off.  

Happy 14th B-day Adam

April 13, 2020

Adam finally got his braces off.  It had been postponed due to the dentist offices being closed from corona.   Mike posted this on Facebook.  Wasn't he so cute and little?

The boys sort of had fun sleeping in hammocks in our shed.  They froze and came back in the house in the middle of the night.  (They didn't listen to their parents and dress warmly and have lots of blankets.)  The next time they were more prepared.

       May the 4th (force) be with you!!!!
May 4th
We had fun wearing our Star Wars shirts.  We watched a few of the Star Wars movies in the evening.  The boys wanted to watch all of them in a row.  No way.  I don't like them that much.  Ha Ha.

Jaime and her spray paint art.  She learned this in high school.

playing games safely
 (we just put them on for the picture)  

                           May 12, 2020

 We love you Ryan.  We had a special day remembering you.  I can't believe it has been 8 years.  It's crazy you would be 22 now.  I wonder if you would be married??  I can't wait to be with you again someday.

We enjoyed camping last week for a few days.

Jaime is back to work at Pizza Pie Cafe in Clinton.  The workers have to wear masks and serve you.
May 22, 2020

With all that is going on in the world, make sure you count your blessings and find ways to serve others.  Don't forget to turn to your Savior, for he can truly "carry your yoke" and His way will bring you true joy and happiness, even in times of trouble and turmoil.

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