Monday, June 20, 2016

90 hours to go !!!


Well this past week was transfer week!  My last transfer in the field.  This will be my last area so I am pretty excited.  I was really excited to find out that I didn't have to pack twice in two weeks haha.  So I have been in all my areas for 6 months.  That is so crazy, but it has been fun to stay in my areas awhile so I can get to know the members good and stuff.  So elder oredson was the only one that got transferred out of us 4.  Then the elder that took his place was actually his companion in the mtc, elder white.  It hasn't even been a week and we are getting along really good.  Even though he is still pretty new in the mission he is my age.  We graduated the same year.  We played basketball on saturday morning with the members in our ward.  It was really fun.  I hadn't probably played for 2 months.  The only problem was that we started at 5 am!!  Oh my gosh that was so early!  Also on sunday and even now I am so sore!!!  My legs are killing me haha.  Then we played again this morning too.  We started at 5 again, but it was still a lot of fun.  Just had to play through the pain.  So our ward started having like a film viewing like 2 times a month at the church so we can invite our investigators and less actives and other people to come and watch church related films.  Last saturday was the first time that we had it.  In like all our appointments we invited them to attend and we were like there is going to be snacks and stuff, but like no one showed up.  Just some members and stuff.  At least we got free snacks and stuff haha.  So I have some good news!!!  This saturday we will be having a baptism!!!  Sister Grace got interviewed on saturday and she passed her interview so her baptism will be this saturday!  I am pretty excited.  It is going to be a good day.  So everything is going great.  One more week down and we are working hard!  I love you guys and hope you have a great week!

Elder Lott


Well this week went pretty good.  As you can all see it ended on a good note with a baptism.  It was actually a big surprise when president and sister rahlf showed up to our baptism.  We told our zone leaders 3 pm, but I guess the AP's wrote 4 pm.  So when they showed up and we were in the baptismal font about to perform the baptism.  So we waited for a couple minutes while he went out and got sister rahlf.  It was pretty cool to have them attend our baptism.  Then after the baptismal service we went over to other to their house after to have like a snack.  We had some pizza, they may call it pizza buts its not haha.  Its pretty gross.  Me and elder white are getting along great.  He is the new american in my apartment.  We have been playing baskteball on saturday and monday mornings and it is good to have a challenge.  Then we have had a couple young men aged boys playing basketball with us and me and my companion have started teaching them the lessons and stuff.  Yesterday I hit my 1 month mark in the field ya buddy!  I am pretty excited cause in a couple weeks I will be able to go to banue rice terraces with the people I am going home with, well if they haven't been there already.  There is a lot of things coming up this cycle.  I am guessing that I could get my flight plans later today or tomorrow!  So I am pretty excited.  Then another thing that would be coming up is our career workshop.  There is a lot of things happening this cylce, so it is going to go by fast!  I am going to make the most of my time.  It is just so crazy how close it is!  It doesn't seem real!  Well I love you guys.  Have a great week

Elder Lott


That is cool that cort gave him talk.  Hah I can't believe that he is leaving and I am coming home.  Where did the time go.  I am super excited to come home.  It is a bitter/sweet feeling.  I will obviously miss the people here, but I am excited to see you guys.  This week was pretty great so I hope that I can repeat it and have another good week.  Even though my week is very busy.  Haha that is exactly what dad said too.  Sorry about that!;)  Oh ya I am going to eat a ton of raspberries!!  They don't have those here so I can't wait to eat some.  The mangoes though,  I wish that I could do that.  I actually wanted to, but I bet they would get taken at the airport or something.  So maybe we could just get some at home!  I will hopefully get my talk done so I don't have to worry about it when I get home.  Then we can just do other stuff instead!  One thing I am not looking forward to is the plane ride though haha.  Well I love you mom.  Have a great week, don't be to excited to see me haha jk

Love Elder Lott

banue rice terraces


Wow I can't believe that this is my last email as a missionary.  The time has gone by so fast.  It has been a hard, rewarding two years.  My last week was full of meetings and events.  It was really busy.  On tuesday we went on splits with my district leader in their area.  Then this past wednseday me and my batch mates had our career workshop.  I learned a lot of things that will be helpful to me in the future job wise, even though it was kind of boring.  We didn't have anything on thursday so we taught a few lessons and went and visited some members and stuff.  Friday we came back to cauayan for a specialized training.  President and Sister Rahlf taught us about the atonement.  It was a very good meeting.  Then on saturday and sunday we had stake conference here in alicia.  So we went to a couple meetings.  It has just been a really busy week.  I haven't even packed yet so I guess I will have to do that later tonight even though there is still a couple people that I want to visit before I leave.  This Wednesday I will be able to go to the manila temple and then I have to endure a super long flight, but it will be worth it!!  I am so grateful for the time that I had to serve.  It has been a blessing to be able and share the gospel with the people of the Philippines.  I have made so many friends.  I have learned so many things on my mission that will help me as an individual in the future as well as my future family.  It hasn't all been easy, but the blessings out weigh the hardships by far.  The Philippines and the people will have a place in my heart forever.  I am grateful for the opportunity that I had to serve my Savior.  Thank you for all of your love and support.  I love you guys and I am so excited to see you this week!!  Don't be to trunky haha!

Elder Alex Lott
PCM 2014-16

Alma 29:9
I know that which the Lord hath commanded me, and I glory in it. I do not glory of myself, but I glory in that which the Lord hath commanded me; yea, and this is my glory, that perhaps I may be an instrument in the hands of God to bring some soul to repentance; and this is my joy.

Last Pictures

career workshop

Well done thy good and faithful servant.  We are so proud of you Alex and can't wait to be reunited with you on Thursday.  It has been such a blessing to our family to have a missionary out and we thank our Heavenly Father for protecting you and bringing you home safely to us. 

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