Thursday, May 3, 2012

Update From Mike and Catherine

First things first, I would like to thank everyone for the outpouring of love and support that we’ve had these past two days.  Words can’t express how grateful we are for those that have expressed their love and concern.

I’ll try to keep the background of what happened as brief as possible so this doesn’t become a novel.  About 9:45 am on Tuesday morning Catherine received a phone call from the junior high saying that she needed to come because Ryan was having a seizure.  She arrived to find him not breathing on the floor of his classroom receiving CPR and mouth-to-mouth.  He was taken by ambulance to McKay-Dee and then life-flighted to Primary Childrens. 

After Ryan arrived at Primary’s the doctors were able to determine that he had experienced cardiac arrest.  An ultrasound revealed that walls of his heart had thickened (enlarged heart).  This is known as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.  The A.D.A.M. Medical Encyclopedia says that “Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a condition in which the heart muscle becomes thick. The thickening makes it harder for blood to leave the heart, forcing the heart to work harder to pump blood……The first symptom of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy among many young patients is sudden collapse…….caused by very abnormal heart rhythms (arrhythmias), or from the blockage of blood leaving the heart to the rest of the body.”

We were given the option of trying an experimental procedure of cooling his body.  A term for this is therapeutic hypothermia.  I believe this is a fairly common procedure among adults and infants, but the effects are still being tested on how children and adolescents react to the procedure.  It is supposed to reduce exertion on the heart by stopping most of the body’s motor functions.  Over a period of 4-6 hours his body temperature was reduced to approximately 92° F.  He will remain at this temperature for 72 hours and then they will slowly increase it back to normal over about 18 hours.  Once back to normal they will be able to take him off of the several medications (paralytic, sedation, etc.) that are making sure his body remains still during this time and that he doesn’t shiver due to the hypothermia.  Shivering causes the heart to work harder and also heats up the body. 

The procedure won’t be finished until possibly Saturday or Sunday.  We won’t have any new information until that time.  I may post some updates before then if there are any new developments.

Thanks once again for all of your prayers and offers for assistance.  It has helped reduce our stress about the other kids so that we can be here with Ryan.

Mike and Catherine


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
    -Felicia (Salisbury) Graves

  2. Glad for the update. Been thinking & praying for your family nonstop for the last few days. Wish Ryan a speedy recovery and strength to your family to endure. Love you guys!

  3. Mike and Catherine my heart just breaks with every text update I've received from my mom. I can't believe such a scary thing has happened to your family but it sounds like the doctors are doing everything they can to help Ryan and he is in good hands. You have been in my thoughts and prayers and will continue to be. Love you!

  4. Oh, Cathrine!! I got emotional reading what you had to walk into when you arrived at the school! I'm so, so sorry. Our strongest, heartfelt prayers are with you. Lots of love!
    ~Betheny Tomseth

  5. I have been feeling similar feelings as when my husband was admitted to ICU and ambulanced from Cache Valley to LDS Hospital in Salt Lake. They found in him a blood clot so big that a doctor came to personally shake his hand because clots like those are normally only found during autopsies! I was pregnant with our fourth child and was blessed with much peace because I knew in my heart that if he were meant to go Home, he would have been gone already. Often times things happen for a greater good that only Heavenly Father knows. Amid all the trauma, Faith has been increased tenfold, Prayers have been sent up that may have even been a little lacking in frequency before, Testimonies have been tested and strengthened, Acts of Service have most likely been offered from places that you may not have thought would before, Priorities have been realigned and on top of all this, you know that you WILL NOT be given more than you can bare. Ryan is one tough spunky young man. If anyone could pull through it like a trooper, he can. Prayers of Peace, Love, and Comfort from the Gospel in our lives are coming your way from every direction. Love you all and sending many (((HUGS))) from afar.
    Erika Belliston

  6. I could bearly read this due to the tears streaming down my face. You where one of the first families we knew here. Our hearts ache for your family, you are in our thoughts and and your blue eyes hang in there Ryan....hugs
    The Nielson family

  7. Catherine, I cant even imagine how hard this has to be for you, you are in my prayers day and night!! We love you guys and I know that Heavenly Father is watching over you and your beautiful family.

  8. Ryan is even backing up from his mom kissing him, but when he is out of the hospital and back home I'm going to hug him and kiss him rather he likes it or not!
